Everyone needs a Walkabout

A spontaneous journey through the wilderness of one’s choosing in an effort to satisfy one’s itchy feet, a need to be elsewhere, the craving for the open road, that space over the horizon… you can’t quite touch it so you have to go find it because you just know it’s there…Or maybe it just feels good to go walking around. This is the description given by Crocodile Dundee.

On a more serious tone, the term Walkabout comes from the Australian Aboriginal. The idea is that a person can get so caught up in one’s work, obligations and duties that the truly important parts of one’s self become lost. From there it is a downward spiral as one gets farther and farther from the true self. A crisis situation usually develops that awakens the wayward to the absent true self. It is at this time that one must go on walkabout.

It is time for me to go walkabout, to a land so far over the horizon that it will take several long haul flights to get there.