Checked out two bookstores today. El Ateneo Grand Splendid is one of the best known bookshops in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2008, The Guardian placed it as the second most beautiful bookshop in the world. The building opened as a theatre called Teatro Gran Splendid in May 1919. It definitely had the wow factor. The cinema seatings were removed replaced with bookshelves and there is a café on the back of what was once the stage.
今天逛了兩家書店,El Ateneo Grand Splendid 的前身是歌劇院,觀眾區排滿書架,舞台變成咖啡館。每個 遊客進門第一件事是照相,很華麗,是藏書的聖殿。雖然有很多遊客,但是還是有本地人,尤其是老人家在那邊看書。Libros del Pasaje 是獨立小書店,大部分的書是西班牙文,只有小部分是英文書。我們決定在那邊吃點東西,以行動支持他們。我們的擔心是多餘的,午餐時段咖啡館坐滿人,年輕人、老人家都約朋友在這裡見面。這兩家書店各有特色,有點像台灣的誠品與獨立書店的差別。

While El Ateneo is grand and splendid, Libros del Pasaje, in Palermo, is a charming bookstore with a reading culture. There is a cute cafe at the back, with plenty of comfy sofas and also a dining/working areas.